A typical oral care routine isn’t very complicated: You floss, brush your teeth with toothpaste and gargle with mouthwash, with perhaps a swish of a brushing rinse or oil pull before everything else. However, it might be challenging to find dental care products for everyone at home. To ensure that everyone in the family can enjoy a sparkling smile and fresh breath, check out our favorite Desert Essence dental care picks for both kids and parents. 

Kids Oral Care Routine

Toothpaste For Children

  • Tutti Frutti Gel Toothpaste for Kids: Looking for the best toothpaste for kids? For children just starting their dental care routine, Tutti Frutti Gel Toothpaste is a fun option, featuring Sam the Dog as the mascot. Developed for kids six months to six years old, it’s safe to swallow and fluoride free, too. Besides its tasty flavor, this formula gently removes plaque buildup to protect developing teeth, enriched with soothing aloe.  
  • Green Apple Watermelon Kids Toothpaste Gel: Want to try another flavor? Don't forget our Green Apple Watermelon Kids Toothpaste Gel, either. This gel is also safe to swallow and fluoride free, perfect for strengthening developing teeth. Kids will love the juicy green apple watermelon flavor, as well as the mascot BunBun the Bunny!

Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Whitening Plus Toothpaste

Parents Oral Care Routine


  • Tea Tree Dental Oil Floss: Every adult dental care routine should start with dental floss, which helps remove impurities and keep gums healthy. For cleansing freshness, our Tea Tree Oil Floss is infused with both tea tree oil and mint. Sustainably sourced beeswax allows the floss to glide between teeth and hard-to-reach spots.
  • Tea Tree Oil Dental Tape: Dental tape is essentially the same as floss, except it features a thicker width, so it’s ideal for wider gaps between teeth. It glides effortlessly between gums and hard-to-reach spaces, powered by Australian tea tree oil for cleansing and mint essential oil for freshening the breath. 


Toothpaste For Adults

  • Tea Tree Oil Whitening Plus Toothpaste: Toothpaste, no doubt, is a must-have. Keep your smile bright with inherently cleansing botanicals as you freshen up with Tea Tree Oil Whitening Plus Toothpaste. Like many of our toothpaste formulas, it harnesses zinc citrate to remove buildup and Australian tea tree oil to help tackle cavity-forming sugar acids. Additionally, baking soda and bamboo extracts combat surface stains and whiten teeth for a shiny smile. 
  • Prebiotic Toothpaste - Mint: Get minty-fresh breath and pearly smiles with Prebiotic Toothpaste. Infused into it are inulin and chicory root, prebiotics that encourage a healthy mouth microbiome. Additionally, it contains perilla seed and tea tree oil to help neutralize bacteria and keep your teeth and gums clean. And, last but certainly not least, it's packed with a medley of mints to give you that signature fresh breath!

Mouth Rinse and Mouthwash

  • Moisturizing Mouth Rinse Arctic Berry: For a moisturizing boost before brushing and flossing, freshen up with Moisturizing Mouth Rinse in Arctic Berry. This mouthwash harnesses botanical ingredients to help neutralize bacteria and form a healthy mouth microbiome, featuring an arctic berry flavor to freshen up the breath. Aloe soothes the gums as tea tree oil helps fight cavity-forming sugar acids — meanwhile, the 15% xylitol and glycerin increase saliva and retain moisture. 
  • Ultra Care Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash: After brushing your teeth, finish with a cleansing swish full of botanical extracts. This sugar and alcohol-free mouthwash soothes gums with chamomile, myrrh and aloe while Australian Eco-Harvest® Tea Tree Oil and zinc citrate tackle plaque and bacteria. A blend of peppermint and spearmint also delivers lasting minty freshness, too!

A beautiful smile is just a consistent dental care routine away. With help from our favorite Desert Essence mouth rinses, flosses, toothpastes and mouthwashes, everyone in the family can maintain healthy gums and teeth.