When spring has sprung, refresh your personal care routine with spring essential oil blends. Essential oils can boost every aspect of your daily life, whether you use them for calming aromatherapy or DIY household cleaners. As you look through Desert Essence’s collection, find spring essential oils that deliver soothing and cleansing benefits — all of our essential oils are cruelty free, and many are also USDA-certified organic. If you’re looking for ways to infuse the new season with pure botanical oil goodness, you’ve come to the right place.
Infuse Essential Oils Into Your Spring Skin Care
When spring is in the air, update your beauty routine with rejuvenating essential oils for your skin. One of our favorite essential oils for skin care is tea tree oil. With tea tree oil’s potent cleansing and clarifying powers, just a few drops can refresh your skin for spring — it can help reduce blemishes, calm irritated skin, relieve sunburns and soothe insect bites. Simply add one drop of tea tree oil to a wet cotton ball and apply it to your skin. You can use any Desert Essence tea tree oil, even Desert Essence Organic Lavender Tea Tree Oil.
Give Yourself a Spring Mood Boost with Aromatherapy
Channel spring's light and airy vibes with mood-boosting essential oils. Aromatherapy is a great way to lift your spirits and connect with the season. One of our go-to essential oils for spring is Desert Essence Mood Lifter Organic Essential Oil, an energizing formula that eases fatigue with revitalizing notes of rosemary and nutmeg, plus bright ones of citrus, tea tree and lemongrass.
To counter that afternoon slump with a burst of energy, you can put 3 to 6 drops of your favorite essential oil into a diffuser. You can also apply it to your skin after diluting 3 to 4 drops of oil with one ounce of a carrier oil like jojoba oil. Then, all you have to do is breathe in the aromatic scent. For other invigorating scents, try spring essential oil diffuser blends such as Desert Essence Breathe Deeply Organic Essential Oil and Desert Essence Sharp Thought Organic Essential Oil.
Incorporate Essential Oils Into Your Spring Cleaning Routine
Besides decluttering, spring cleaning can mean deeply cleansed surfaces and fresh linens. One versatile essential oil for household cleaning is tea tree oil — you can even grab Desert Essence Organic Lavender Tea Tree Oil for a calming floral spring essential oil blend. To make a multipurpose cleaner that works on windows, tiles and counters, add one teaspoon of tea tree oil to a gallon of water. To freshen up your laundry load, add 3 to 4 drops of pure oil into detergent during your wash cycle.
Put a Spring in Your Step With an Energizing Essential Oil
To take in the warm, bright days ahead, you’ll likely be enjoying fun outdoor activities. As your days become more active, Desert Essence Muscle Melt Organic Essential Oil can help relieve tension and soreness. In this blend, everlasting Corsica, eucalyptus and mint work together to invigorate as wintergreen helps melt away aches. For a rejuvenating soak, add 8 to 10 drops into a cup of Epsom salt to pour into a warm bath.
A few drops can go a long way. To soothe, replenish and cleanse this spring, integrate Desert Essence oils into your day-to-day life. Shop Desert Essence’s Oils Collection to give your spring routine a nourishing botanical boost. To learn more about essential oils and aromatherapy, check out these resources: